nomm de photo: Ground Water
europeanspaceagency: Webb sees its first star - 18 times
andredekesel: Saiva transversolineata
nomm de photo: Lost in the Maelstrom
nomm de photo: The Mower
nomm de photo: Defying the Odds
nomm de photo: Contamination
andredekesel: Equisetum telmateia - Reuzenpaardestaart
nomm de photo: Nurturing
nomm de photo: The Stream of Consciousness
nomm de photo: Chromo Weave
andredekesel: noideafly
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 61 Press Conference (NHQ201909240025)
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Galactic Creatures at Play
europeanspaceagency: A Beautiful Whorl
nomm de photo: Map of Another World
nomm de photo: Meteoric
nomm de photo: We're Losing Control
geckzilla: Circinus Galaxy with blanks
eXalk: Laserfracturing
eXalk: Wonderful Spirals
Hubble Space Telescope / ESA: Still from Hubblecast episode 89: Edwin Hubble
Hubble Space Telescope / ESA: Still from Hubblecast 94: The future of Hubble, part II
geckzilla: Calabash Nebula
geckzilla: SDSSJ0915+3826
geckzilla: HCG 87
geckzilla: Starburst in IC10
svetik37: Lonely and hungry
vishalsubramanyan: Great Horned Owl with Vole