Al_HikesAZ: Tallit: Jewish Prayer Shawl - Presidio of Tubac Museum
Mario Groleau 8 millions de vues!: UQTR Résidences du chemin Michel Sarrazin
Mario Groleau 8 millions de vues!: Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec
Mario Groleau 8 millions de vues!: Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec
Yudysun Pratama: Señor Paella 2015
@!ex: Fishbowl
jezebel_cux: Herbst: Blick in die Wetterkugel
OzzRod: Space II
fwwidall: My Pentax Lenses
Denny downunder: Balooni Mahooni
cobbu2: The Narrows, Zion National Park
cookinghamus: Notre Dam Interior Columns
cookinghamus: Notre Dam Interior Ceiling
phx.david: PK3A4162
phx.david: PK3B2096
phx.david: PK3B2047
phx.david: PK3B1892
Earley Photography: Toyo 45G 4x5 Monorail View Camera with Fujinon 250mm f6.7
Howard Sandler (film photos): Graflex Graphic View II
s.katz: Graphic View II
Howard Sandler (film photos): Graphic View II and Crown Graphic
Thomas Hawk: Orpheum Theater
Scott Holcomb: Canyon Rim Hedge
Thomas Hawk: Found Kodachrome Slide
Thomas Hawk: Westgate Plaza
nadine.bonnet87: Beagle en vacances 😎
Jordan_K: I thought about you...
Thomas Hawk: You Got Heavy Metal Wings