JimPriceDallas: Orb of Light in a Tunnel - #2482
JimPriceDallas: Orb of Light - #2479
JimPriceDallas: Boat on the Water #1558
JimPriceDallas: Drifting Around - #1660
JimPriceDallas: Skycranes at Sunset - #1670
JimPriceDallas: Replace those Bulbs! - #1443
JimPriceDallas: Broody, Moody, Clouds at Sunset - #1427
JimPriceDallas: Brierley at Sunset - #1468
JimPriceDallas: Redbud - #1359
JimPriceDallas: Berries and Cream - #1344
JimPriceDallas: Hit the Brakes! - #1305
JimPriceDallas: On the Run - #1302
JimPriceDallas: Orb Goes to the Lake - #1280
JimPriceDallas: Practice Orb - #1268
JimPriceDallas: Dandelion - #1241
JimPriceDallas: Bradford Pear Blossoms at Dusk - #1248
JimPriceDallas: Scorpion - Yellow and Blue - #0863
JimPriceDallas: Ferris Wheel - #0826
JimPriceDallas: Scorpion in Red and Yellow - #0864
JimPriceDallas: Sizzler - #0851
JimPriceDallas: Zipper! - #0836
JimPriceDallas: Mini-Scrambler Lights - #0926
JimPriceDallas: Horsey! - #0921
JimPriceDallas: Power Surge - #0810
JimPriceDallas: Swings! - #0764
JimPriceDallas: Denton County Courthouse - #2328_29_30
JimPriceDallas: Sunset at Cowboys Stadium - #0672
JimPriceDallas: Richardson First United Methodist Church - #0584_5_6
JimPriceDallas: Richardson First UMC - #0608_09_10
JimPriceDallas: Stained Glass Steeple - #0307