CNorthExplores: From way up high
CNorthExplores: Beautiful day
YellowstoneNPS: Aerial view of Grand Prismatic
CNorthExplores: High life
CNorthExplores: Mountains everywhere
emacgillivray: Kayaking near Pelican Point
YellowstoneNPS: Bison herd, Lamar Valley
YellowstoneNPS: Waxing moon seen from Lamar Valley
YellowstoneNPS: Evening alpenglow in Lamar Valley
CNorthExplores: Ice to water
CNorthExplores: Reflected
CNorthExplores: All calm
CNorthExplores: The wall
CNorthExplores: Some autumn sunlight
CNorthExplores: The great fjord
CNorthExplores: Night flight entertainment
CNorthExplores: Let me stay
CNorthExplores: Dream light
CNorthExplores: Latitude 62.5°N
CNorthExplores: Chasing waterfalls
YellowstoneNPS: Black bear
YellowstoneNPS: Bison on Swan Lake Flat
YellowstoneNPS: Foggy night on Mt. Washburn
YellowstoneNPS: Moonset, Lamar Valley
YellowstoneNPS: Black bear, Blacktail Plateau Drive
YellowstoneNPS: Yellowstone Lake from Lake Butte Overlook