wompninja: Olive is a scientist today.
wompninja: Max t-ball
wompninja: Just your average night #sldesignweek #bizzarebazzare
wompninja: Olive caught a puck at the Utes hockey game tonight! #uofuhockey #uofu
wompninja: Nice night for a luau #maui
wompninja: Not a bad place to call home for a few days. #maui
wompninja: The only time they've been nice to each other all day.
wompninja: Good day for pumpkin hunting.
wompninja: These things sure are getting complicated. #fanrepair #macbookpro #monstermacbook
wompninja: Someone forgot to tell Japan that it's the summer games. #rio2016 #swimmingmensrelay
wompninja: Nothing like the beach
wompninja: Olive waiting for rock summer camp to start @nhmu
wompninja: Met this cool old guy on his Triumph today.
wompninja: We just got upgraded to first class, thanks Instagram. #lumineers
wompninja: #lumineers
wompninja: upload
wompninja: Utah, you crazy.
wompninja: Hanging out with the goblins.
wompninja: Almost done #duckhousewip
wompninja: #summerstartstoday were not going to be stuck inside until September.
wompninja: farmer's fence put in.
wompninja: Powder coat makes everything better
wompninja: Gotta love those double turn lanes.
wompninja: This should be the standard nurse uniform. #superhero #hello nurse
wompninja: Today I finally bought my dream car. It needs some better wheels. #356aoutlaw #porsche #1956 #porsche356a
wompninja: Don't worry east coast, it's coming for you.
wompninja: 3rd period
wompninja: Always nice when you spend a bunch of money on something, hang it on the wall and its bent. Thanks UPS.
wompninja: Grout and a range hood and I'll finally be done with this kitchen.
wompninja: Finished. #handmade #sorrynotsaarinen #smellsgood #furniture #wood #europly #walnut