rockwolf: Dolichovespula norwegica nest
rockwolf: Hoplitis claviventris
Paula Darwinkel: Hawfinch
rockwolf: Staphylinus erythropterus
Abey22: Orange Tip
wildlifelynn: Peregrine Falcon (m)
queeny63: Pine Marten exploring the boardwalk
queeny63: Sitting on the boardwalk
queeny63: Prowling
queeny63: Trotting along
Ally.Kemp: Atlantic Puffin
themadbirdlady: What's up there?
themadbirdlady: A tiny one
themadbirdlady: Mistle Thrush
Pam P Photos: Green Hairstreak Butterfly
sean4646: Puffin in the rain
Ian McGill On/Off for a while: Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Male Green Woodpecker checking his surroundings
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Male Green Woodpecker checking out an ant hill
eric robb niven: Dragonfly
iancook95: Lovely grub.
themadbirdlady: Black Grouse
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Redstart Male
Tenspeed2: Shoveler
Tenspeed2: Shoveler
Tenspeed2: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Tenspeed2: Snipe
eric robb niven: Cairngorms view
themadbirdlady: Common Sandpiper