jimabramwildlifephotography: Nashville Warbler
jimabramwildlifephotography: Red-breasted Sapsucker
jimabramwildlifephotography: Calliope Hummingbird
jimabramwildlifephotography: Calliope Hummingbird
jimabramwildlifephotography: Lake Tahoe Revisited
jimabramwildlifephotography: Broad-tailed Hummingbird at Red Butte Gardens, Saly Lake Cit, Utah
jimabramwildlifephotography: Rufous Hummingbird at Red Butte Gardens, Salt Lake City, Utah
jimabramwildlifephotography: Broad-tailed Hummingbird at Red Butte Gardens, Salt Lake City, Utah
jimabramwildlifephotography: Black-chinned Humming Bird on the Wasatch Range, Utah June 28, 11
jimabramwildlifephotography: Lazuli Bunting on the Wasatch Range, Utah 6/28/11
jimabramwildlifephotography: Purple Finch - Species # 175 - An accidental visitor to our forest
jimabramwildlifephotography: Ruddy Duck at Henderson Bird Preserve April 22, 11
jimabramwildlifephotography: Nashville Warbler May 6, 2011
jimabramwildlifephotography: Eared Grebe at Henderson Bird Preserve, Nevada, Apil 2011
jimabramwildlifephotography: Sharp-shinned Hawk #175
jimabramwildlifephotography: Western Bluebird
jimabramwildlifephotography: Costa's Hummingbird
jimabramwildlifephotography: Catch of the Day
jimabramwildlifephotography: Succesful Black Bear at Taylor Creek surrounded by fish in this pool
jimabramwildlifephotography: Black Bear Momma And Cub
jimabramwildlifephotography: Black Bear Cub at Taylor Creek
jimabramwildlifephotography: Momma bear hunting Kokanee