Because We Can - Photos: Our new 5 Axis- we are now making sawdust faster than ever before!
Because We Can - Photos: It’s been a while... here’s a cat.
Because We Can - Photos: A little project we’ve been working on in Downtown Oakland. Almost done and the best is still to come....!
Because We Can - Photos: Scrap cuts beauty!
Because We Can - Photos: Just another super awesome table base getting installed on site!
Because We Can - Photos: That’s a big glue up!
Because We Can - Photos: Because we can!!!
Because We Can - Photos: Sometimes you just gotta party with robots.
Because We Can - Photos: Nest it tight!
Because We Can - Photos: Glueing it up!
Because We Can - Photos: Experiments in folded metal...
Because We Can - Photos: Big chunk with acrylic!