itsjustjill: Deal of the day! Sketch books for $2.50 at michaels.... happy girls right here!
itsjustjill: Hangin out with these cuties tonight
itsjustjill: #braids
itsjustjill: HATE this window at night time!!! Every time you move or walk towards it, you have a heart attack because you think there I someone outside the window.. And if you walk toward it in the right spot, it looks like some creepy person Is walking up the front
itsjustjill: ❤️wifey ♥️
itsjustjill: Putting up the sign!!!!!
itsjustjill: Took this in a moving vehicle... What are the chances?
itsjustjill: Double #nofilter
itsjustjill: True true...
itsjustjill: Think...
itsjustjill: #familygamenight
itsjustjill: The keeper of my ❤️
itsjustjill: ❄️⛄️
itsjustjill: Snow day number 2.. That's unheard of around here. Kiki doesn't get snow days so she is working like a good little student... JJ is sick (AGAIN!).. Amazing how that happens every single time he goes to his fathers house.. So no snow play for now.. Happy l
itsjustjill: ❤️
itsjustjill: #photoaday February. Day 7 #whatilookforwardto
itsjustjill: Who wants to do this to my hair???
itsjustjill: ✌️♥️❄️
itsjustjill: #photoaday feb. Photo challenge day 6. #guiltypleasures .... I couldn't pick just one. Stupid magazines.. I love reading them.. #dietcoke .... Warm fruit of any kind as long as it is not in pie crust..
itsjustjill: Weeeeeeeeee!
itsjustjill: #photoaday February challenge day 3. ... Made me laugh today.. Kristen hates olives and everything about them.. She ran out of the kitchen so quick when I opened this, you would have thought the house was on fire! Had to be there, but it was hilarious :)
itsjustjill: #doodles #sharpies
itsjustjill: 1932.. Macon county Alabama. A DOCTOR wrote this... Tuskegee study ... Can't believe people actually thought like this.. Disgusting.
itsjustjill: #photoaday February challenge. Day 2 #pink
itsjustjill: #photoaday feb 1 self
itsjustjill: Thanks @justjess1029 .. Going to give it a try :) ..
itsjustjill: MmmmMmmm... Chunky stir fry :)
itsjustjill: I agree. The guy was nuts, but a genius in my opinion.
itsjustjill: School dayz .. ✏️... Human sexuality.. My favorite class so far.. Well, other than art :)