zeissizm: 僕ら彗星の光
Jin Mikami: a c u a t e
gato-gato-gato: up into the light
Patrick Ng: 「不只是圖書館」。被約到這裡做訪問才知她的存在,座落於松山文創中心製菸工廠北側二樓。專業設計藏書超過三萬本及有著新舊多國設計雜誌,入場只需NTD 50。除了有著「不只是」的氣慨作為圖書館的定位,偌大的菸廠舊窗把光線引進線條與色調清簡的室內設計,氣氛相當怡人。可惜我是拖著華氏101的頭顱,只好訪問完後不捨的掉頭走。@song_shan_cultural_park #taiwandesigncenter @designxboco #songshanculturalandcreativepark #NotJus
Jin Mikami: R o c K
35.5°S photography: Are we there yet? (Explore)
camquiad: Lo que ven mis ojos [EXPLORE]
NoiRcORNEr: my-ow favourite spot... meow =^^=
大麦茶: 月牙泉1
Scriptunas Images: Space Shuttle Endeavour Powered Flight Deck
moaan: Once Upon a Time
winnie's human (all work and no play): "A cat is always at the wrong side of the door." -- Anonymous
Olivia L'Estrange-Bell: The Doors to My Soul - Day 92/365
Anthony Mianzo: Day 83/365 - Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean. ~Bob Marley *EXPLORED*
SIR. AUDIO -57- TsTL: better than blue balls
bbabyshambles: Day ninety three | I'm sorry, egg. I was hungry. [Explore]
LShadrack: She's chewier than I thought
LShadrack: Sarah is My Eye Candy!
LShadrack: Black on Black Redux
LShadrack: Great Places