Mr F1: Dartford Warbler
PhillymanPete: a Snowy Stalker
Mr F1: Rain, Rain......Go Away!
PhillymanPete: Tree Swallow Elegance
blackfox wildlife and nature imaging: billy through the looking glass
mcalma68: Dutch Sunset (Explored 21-10-2016)
bubbazinettisr20ve: Patches Prowling
blackfox wildlife and nature imaging: "crying ,waiting,hoping
GAZ Mclean: The Roaring Deer Of Bushy Park London Borough of Richmond U.K
Brendan Masterson: Swan edited
alicecahill: Short-eared Owl fly by - explored
Norm B.: Steinkautz
PhillymanPete: A Dragon Tale
PhillymanPete: Blackbird Calling
nick.linda: Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
bubbazinettisr20ve: Maevia inclemens Seeds
nick.linda: Lesser Emperor Dragonfly (Anax parthenope) (Explored) 29-05-2016
nick.linda: Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
blackfox wildlife and nature imaging: hey heron leave my chicks alone
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
bubbazinettisr20ve: Eastern Phoebe, Spider and Web
nick.linda: Azure-winged Magpie/Iberian Magpie** (Explored) 20-05-2016
Andythetrog - trying to catch up: Little Tern (Sternula albifrons)
Andythetrog - trying to catch up: 'boxing' Brown Hares
taronik: spatola
hampshireview: Roads, Tree and Milkway
hampshireview: Milkyway Hunting, The Lakes