کΔ₪đяӨ Өя¡gΔм¡ (Aprendiz): Bat - Yoo Tae Yong dobrado por mim com papel sanduiche 40x40 cm
Sunny Marmalade: Happy Mother's Day!
Viviane des Papiers: Bouddha de Papier I de Viviane Berty 2015
ynont: Toco Toucan designed and folded by Ynon Toledano
Viviane des Papiers: Autoportrait aux rouleaux de papier / Self-portrait with paper rolls de Viviane Berty 2016
Viviane des Papiers: Etude pour le Petit Prince / The Little Prince, study de Viviane Berty 2017
Viviane des Papiers: Main gantée / Gloved hand de Viviane Berty 2017
oriol esteve - trickster origamist: Owl / búho By oriol esteve first version
Sunburst2001: En garde!
Choi ju young: 기사(Knight) Create : Choi Ju Young Made : Choi Ju Young About 60x60 cm Gold hanji 32x32 boxpleats
Willie g crespo: Mochuelo. Creado y plegado por mí como resultado del reto de la OAS de la pasada semana. Papel dúo Thai 30x30 cm
Viviane des Papiers: Le dernier jour au jardin d'Eden / The last day in the Garden of Eden de Viviane Berty et Robert Loubet 2017
Viviane des Papiers: Girafe de Viviane Berty 2017
polyscene: Curved Folds
oschene: Beauty Teasing Cat with Origami Crane
Andrea Borsa: Boat by Federico Scalambra
masha_losk: Bixbite
Viviane des Papiers: Insecte 2 de Viviane Berty 2017
Viviane des Papiers: Adieu Luc / Papygami RIP 28.11.2016
Grupo Zaragozano de Papiroflexia: Butterfly Fish by Rocío Loscos
Lonely-Shiba: 【Origami】 Emperor Penguin family
oschene: Pleated Beet
charliblog: Medallón
Praise Pratajev: pleat thingy
Shotaro Mineo: Rooster(refold)
Gen Hagiwara: Happy New Year 2017
misssbleue76: Rose in the bottle #origami#rose