jettdelirium: Squeek wants an original Folsom Prison Blues! If only he had $90 bucks!
jettdelirium: Spiggy sez is cold outside! He's nappin til springtime!
jettdelirium: 2010-11-03_18-52-05_59.jpg
jettdelirium: 2010-11-02_10-39-14_713-1.jpg
jettdelirium: 2010-10-31_20-29-49_596.jpg
jettdelirium: Needs no introduction.
jettdelirium: Children of Bodom! Who's jealous!!
jettdelirium: These seats are pretty spectacular ;)
jettdelirium: Hurray! We stopped at 2nd base in our attempt to save 2nd base!
jettdelirium: Sunrise on race day! Wish me luck! Going to do the run, and then go back and walk with my people! Save the TaTas!
jettdelirium: 2010-10-10_06-32-31_452.jpg
jettdelirium: Woody goes to the Balloon fiesta!!
jettdelirium: Look who went to see Miss Jenni today!
jettdelirium: ATVs through the jungle, beach trip, and then Covenant. Best day of the cruise so far!
jettdelirium: 2010-10-02_08-45-38_476.jpg
jettdelirium: Also...this lovely shot from our Cozumel adventure apparently never posted ;)
jettdelirium: 2000-10-14_07-31-09_448.jpg
jettdelirium: Brought some friends back with me ;)
jettdelirium: 2010-10-04_06-49-08_471.jpg
jettdelirium: Breakfast at Oceans!
jettdelirium: Our balcony. Or, well, some of it. What I'm saying is that it is ginormous!
jettdelirium: Shown in order of priority. ;)
jettdelirium: I guess we have our answer as to when Deathly Hallows Pt 1 will end. Hmmm. From EW, August issue.
jettdelirium: 2010-09-18_18-00-13_696.jpg
jettdelirium: Yeah, baby!!
jettdelirium: HAIL!!! Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
jettdelirium: 2010-09-11_19-14-29_245.jpg