Sue323 :-): Kukasta kukkaan
j_aubz: Heaven in a wild flower
fredots09: caterpillar
fredots09: HPPT
MD_MC: up against the wall
Jose Sousa: Grifo - Gyps fulvus - Griffon Vulture
fredots09: hide and seek
TheHouseKeeper: DSC_5940_1
PanDiSal: Golden Gate Bridge at Dusk
AbA49k: IMG_1338a
AbA49k: IMG_1392a
AbA49k: IMG_1393a
In Memoriam: mang M: Those Who Have Fallen
AbA49k: IMG_2002
junsjazz: QCircle10
junsjazz: QCircle1
junsjazz: QCircle3
junsjazz: QCircle4
Kamoteus (A New Beginning): orchids for you... HBW to all!
Belzie: Claire sourire
nasu1: White Rose with Droplets
dolphin_dolphin: Nature@my neighborhood 15
DonnerE: Canoe For You