jesusprincess: 3267540229_7e6a826b1c2
jesusprincess: Faramir
jesusprincess: FallingUp4Ever
jesusprincess: AndurilVeryPossible3
jesusprincess: 18-MurtaghToWin
jesusprincess: 16-MurtaghFalling
jesusprincess: 15-SmartestElf
jesusprincess: 13-GandalftheGray
jesusprincess: 09-CrownlessKing
jesusprincess: 05-NowIsEverythingClearToYou
jesusprincess: 15-SmartestElf
jesusprincess: Frodo and Sam from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Fellowship on the march from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: The Fellowship on Carhadras from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: The Fellowship from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Merry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Gandalf the White from Lord of the Rings
jesusprincess: Pippin from Lord of the Rings