Jessica Wohl: 2-4-6 (two shapes, four colors, six compositions)
Jessica Wohl: Lakeshore/Kennerly- The Material Challenge
Jessica Wohl: ImaginarySpaces
Jessica Wohl: Frankenstein's Monster- The Id
Jessica Wohl: Fendi, From the Beautiful Monsters Series
Jessica Wohl: Narrative Painting
Jessica Wohl: Suspension
Jessica Wohl: Floor Painting
Jessica Wohl: Imaginary Spaces
Jessica Wohl: Reflective Color Still Life
Jessica Wohl: Figure Painting
Jessica Wohl: The Vulnerability Project
Jessica Wohl: The Vulnerability Project, Detail
Jessica Wohl: Organic Abstraction
Jessica Wohl: Life Sized Portrait
Jessica Wohl: Life Sized Self Portrait
Jessica Wohl: Abstracted Landscape
Jessica Wohl: 180 degree Landscape
Jessica Wohl: 180 degree Landscape
Jessica Wohl: Class Introduction Portrait
Jessica Wohl: Monochromatic Still Life
Jessica Wohl: Full Color Still Life
Jessica Wohl: Suburbia
Jessica Wohl: Suburbia
Jessica Wohl: Suburbia
Jessica Wohl: Monster House
Jessica Wohl: Monster House Detail
Jessica Wohl: Two Brown Houses
Jessica Wohl: Two Blue Houses
Jessica Wohl: Two Blue Houses Detail