"Crunchy"Girl: Devils Tower, Wyoming
"Crunchy"Girl: Mount Rushmore on July 4th, South Dakota
"Crunchy"Girl: Bombing Test Range in the Badlands, South Dakota
"Crunchy"Girl: Moth enjoying the beautiful summer flowers in Acadia National Park, Maine
"Crunchy"Girl: Summer White Rose with an insect in the White Mountains, New Hampshire
"Crunchy"Girl: Niagara Falls, New York
"Crunchy"Girl: Fall colors at the bottom of Neversink Pit, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Rapel into Neversink Pit with Fall Colors, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Waterfall in Neversink Pit, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Waterfall in Neversink Pit, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Skull of small animal at the bottom of Neversink pit, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Bald Mt. in the Uinta Mountains, Utah (think fantasia's "night on bald mountain")
"Crunchy"Girl: Uinta Mountains, Utah
"Crunchy"Girl: Finishing a caving trip in Anderson Cave, Alabama
"Crunchy"Girl: Hiking toward the river in Denali National Park, Alaska
"Crunchy"Girl: Flowers in late spring, Alaska
"Crunchy"Girl: Dark-eyed Junco in Denali National Park, Alaska
"Crunchy"Girl: Buffalo in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
"Crunchy"Girl: Delicate Arch in Arches National Park, Utah
"Crunchy"Girl: Sage brush in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
"Crunchy"Girl: Not a chipmonk! This is a Golden-mantled Ground-Squirrel (you can tell by the lack of stripes on the face)
"Crunchy"Girl: Blizzard in Snowshoe, West Virginia (before spring came in february)
"Crunchy"Girl: Purple Tulips (i think)
"Crunchy"Girl: Tree Fungus
"Crunchy"Girl: Petrified wood in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
"Crunchy"Girl: Fence in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
"Crunchy"Girl: Havasu Falls in the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona
"Crunchy"Girl: Me at Havasu Falls in the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona