"Crunchy"Girl: pre-caving
"Crunchy"Girl: the girls
"Crunchy"Girl: inside the cave
"Crunchy"Girl: The Christmas tree
"Crunchy"Girl: Christmas Tree formation
"Crunchy"Girl: stream in cave
"Crunchy"Girl: stalagtites
"Crunchy"Girl: kings showers a 465ft waterfall
"Crunchy"Girl: leading to King showers...taking a water sample
"Crunchy"Girl: Post waterfall explorations
"Crunchy"Girl: muddy mike and me
"Crunchy"Girl: muddy lunch...where are my legs?
"Crunchy"Girl: a column just after the gallery
"Crunchy"Girl: Baru next to a column
"Crunchy"Girl: Albino Cave Crayfish
"Crunchy"Girl: Closeup of Albino Cave Crayfish
"Crunchy"Girl: a salamander about a mile inside the cave?
"Crunchy"Girl: stalagtites
"Crunchy"Girl: crawling thru
"Crunchy"Girl: Baru Post Caving
"Crunchy"Girl: Preston & Mike Post Caving