"Crunchy"Girl: Sunset on our way to Tucamcari, New Mexico
"Crunchy"Girl: Highest Mountain in Arizona
"Crunchy"Girl: The little colorado...check out the rapids!
"Crunchy"Girl: the ravens
"Crunchy"Girl: Stephen
"Crunchy"Girl: a bush with a web of some sort
"Crunchy"Girl: the Group
"Crunchy"Girl: Grand Canyon National Park
"Crunchy"Girl: Woodard and Rasvan
"Crunchy"Girl: Matthew
"Crunchy"Girl: Jim and I at the Grand Canyon
"Crunchy"Girl: Mather Point
"Crunchy"Girl: Mather Point
"Crunchy"Girl: Mather Point
"Crunchy"Girl: Mather Point
"Crunchy"Girl: Sunset at Mather Point...7:36pm, Grand Canyon National Park
"Crunchy"Girl: Sunrise at Mather Point...5:32am
"Crunchy"Girl: a Geological Fossil Tour
"Crunchy"Girl: Cacti flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: Cacti flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: Cacti flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: Cacti flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: Cacti flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: Havasu with a rainbow