"Crunchy"Girl: packing
"Crunchy"Girl: Tucumacari, New Mexico KOA
"Crunchy"Girl: Petrified forest
"Crunchy"Girl: Petrified Forest
"Crunchy"Girl: Petrified Forest
"Crunchy"Girl: Elk deer?
"Crunchy"Girl: at the top of the canyon
"Crunchy"Girl: Mather point
"Crunchy"Girl: the top of the canyon
"Crunchy"Girl: flowers
"Crunchy"Girl: a suicidal tree at the Grand Canyon
"Crunchy"Girl: This was a little nerve-racking!
"Crunchy"Girl: touring the top of the canyon with the 3 best guys I know
"Crunchy"Girl: Hermits Rest
"Crunchy"Girl: Hualapai Hilltop
"Crunchy"Girl: Hualapai hilltop
"Crunchy"Girl: fun in the tent
"Crunchy"Girl: Hike from Hualapai Hilltop to Supai
"Crunchy"Girl: Guess this Mule didn't make it out
"Crunchy"Girl: me and the mule I DIDN'T ride down the canyon
"Crunchy"Girl: hike to Havasu
"Crunchy"Girl: Navajo Falls
"Crunchy"Girl: me on a dayhike
"Crunchy"Girl: Havasu falls
"Crunchy"Girl: Havasu Creek
"Crunchy"Girl: the climb to mooney
"Crunchy"Girl: Mooney Falls
"Crunchy"Girl: Mooney Falls