jessalynn.may.elizabeth: A boy on his farm
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Boy and his dog
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Taking two kids exploring is always interesting. -Huntsville, Ontario
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Climbing trees in the foggy forest
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Exploring kids
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Enchanted forest
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Can I go for a ride?
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: School bus time
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: King of the castle.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: The only sun we had today. More winter storms with freezing temps forecasted (and starting already.)
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: While we try to teach our children all about life, the farm teaches us what life’s all about. #letstalk
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Ended #CdnAgDay by checking the water bowls with these jokers. #snowmageddon2019 #freeze #waterwasgood @agmorethanever
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Family Day 2019
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Make your own path
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: That’s the good stuff ya’ll.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Collingwood Harbour, Ontario Canada
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Tossing his tooth fairy money around and he lost it after I told him he would. #sorrynotsorry #lessonlearned