jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Girl is making memories…..
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: #nofilter #wasagabeach
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Pretty little leaf
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: #uberdriverlife
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Teddy wishes he could go to school with Jacob.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Lost in skies of powdered gold Caught in clouds of silver ropes
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: All kinds of toys, he has……and this.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Smoky fire clouds
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: When you don’t want to hook up the trailer to deliver two folding e-bikes…..
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: So happy to finally be back.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Told these two to get out and enjoy the nice evening.
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Vegas for Christmas. We experienced some great shows, dingy casinos and a shooting at Fremont Street. Till next time!
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: Chilly morning
jessalynn.may.elizabeth: 1 hour. Swipe ⬅️