Jerry_a: Goldfinch
Jerry_a: Hmmm... any fish around here?
Jerry_a: Who's that behind me?
Jerry_a: Ma!! I'm too fat to get out of this hole!
Jerry_a: I'm Cranky
Jerry_a: The Bickersons!
Jerry_a: Cardinal
Jerry_a: Gemini
Jerry_a: Mosquito attacks Snapper
Jerry_a: Kits
Jerry_a: My Mom was a Black Necked Stilt
Jerry_a: Pea Soup
Jerry_a: Red Eye
Jerry_a: Guys, the fish are back here!
Jerry_a: Female Blue Grosbeak
Jerry_a: Least Bittern
Jerry_a: Indigo Bunting?
Jerry_a: Indigo Bunting? in flight
Jerry_a: Tree Swallow with Gear Down
Jerry_a: Allee House Fox [Explored]
Jerry_a: Green Heron
Jerry_a: Juvenile Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Jerry_a: Don King
Jerry_a: Blue on Blue
Jerry_a: Black Eyed Susan
Jerry_a: Blue Chicory Flower
Jerry_a: Bunny
Jerry_a: Female Orchard Oriole
Jerry_a: Earlene, where did that fox go?
Jerry_a: Egrets in a tree