I_am_Rudy: DSC_0015
cacoin95: ECRIVAIN (XI'AN)
mluisa_: frammento urbano
Jeronim01: Down Curve
@Tuncay: To the roof
mr.beaver: Too minimalist (?) - pain killer
Wackelaugen: have a seat!
Ninja terry: shadow
Jon DeBoer: convergence
whootzs: A wet, not white, Christmasevening (...) in Bruxelles, Belgium
SikPik: "The more horrifying this world becomes, the more art becomes abstract"
Calvin J.: British Natural History Museum
Scintt: Meander
pat.netwalk: patio with pillar
o.ma_: Belval_4
mluisa_: Das Ding
edenmatt: 1/100 - Calm Resolution
Palagret: coiffure pour âmes
cuantofalta: Théâtre de la Comédie de Paris
An Gobán Saor: Confusion
 Philippe L PhotoGraphy : Large de l'ile de Vancouver