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C2E2 2019 - Disney Noir
DragonCon 2018 - Walking Shots - Friday and Saturday
DragonCon 2018 - Thursday
C2E2 2018 Previews
Anime Central 2017 Day 02 - Partial
Anime Central 2017 Day 01
C2E2 2016 Day 2
C2E2 2016 Day 1
Cold Waves IV - Night 1
Cold Waves IV - Night 2
DragonCon 2015 Spiderverse Group
DragonCon 2015 Marvel Post Group Shots
DragonCon 2015 GI Joe Group
DragonCon 2015 Fury Road Group
DragonCon 2015 Game of Thrones Group
DragonCon 2015 Genderbent Heroes
DragonCon 2015 Disney Group Shoot
DragonCon 2015 Parade
DragonCon 2015 Group Shoots
DragonCon 2015 - Hallway and Street
Nexus 6 at Neo at Debonair 2015-08-21
Neo - Nexus 6 Fury Friday
C2E2 2015 Day 3
C2E2 2015 Day 2
C2E2 2015 Day 1
Neo - Passive/Agressive Hiatus Hoedown
Project CosAwesome 2
Project CosAwesome: TMNT
Project CosAwesome: Video Game Fight Club
Project CosAwesome: Bar Night 2 - Post Apocalyptic Drinks
Project CosAwesome: Group and Solo Cosplay Pics
Project CosAwesome: Bar Night 1
Project CosAwesome: MIB
Project CosAwesome: Action Figures
Neo Halloween Nights 2014
Cold Waves III - Night 2 at Metro, Chicago
Cold Waves III - Night 1
Beatles at the Ridge Festival - Riverbilly and the Liverpool Legends
Beatles at the Ridge Festival - Walnut Ridge, Arkansas Pt 1
Route 67, Pocahontas/Walnut Ridge, Arkansas
Little's Cemetery, Strawberry, Arkansas
Powhatan, Arkansas
Family Farm and Pond, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas
Hoxie and Walnut Ridge, Arkansas 2014
DragonCon 2014 Day 4
DragonCon 2014 Day 3 - Non Parade
DragonCon 2014 Parade
DragonCon 2014 Day 2 Pt 1
DragonCon 2014 Day 1
Cozumel 2014
GoogleGlass Walks
C2E2 2014 - Day 3
C2E2 2014 Days 1 & 2
Cold Waves 2 Festival - Day 2
Cold Waves 2 Festival - Day 1
DragonCon 2013: Day 3 - Sunday
DragonCon 2013 - Day 2 Non-parade
Dragon*Con 2013: Parade
DragonCon 2013 - Day 1.5 (Thus-Friday Pt 1)
Amanda Palmer Chicago House Party
C2E2 2013 - Saturday
C2E2 2013 - An Evening with Kevin Smith
Nob Hill, San Francisco - June 2011
Outside the Shedd
Nala the lion cub at Gallery Provocatuer 1/6/2013
Neo 11th Hour 11/30/2012
Neo Nightclub Halloween Weekend 2012
DragonCon 2012 Day 3 (Sunday)
DragonCon 2012 Day 2 (Saturday)
DragonCon 2012 - Day 1.5 (Thurs-Friday Evening)
Feral Steampunk
Neo Inependent - Water fight and BBQ (SFW)
WCR - Ivy King Cup Match - 06/02/2012
WCR - Black vs White Match 06/02/2012
Neo - 05/23/2012
Carnal at Neo 06/10/2012
D4DR Hellraiser Suspension at Devil's Playground - 06/04/2012
Ammunition at Devil's Playground - 06/04/2012
Feral Minette at Devil's Playground - 06/04/2012
Jezzibel at Devil's Playground - 05072012
Resonate 7
Anime Central 2012
My Ink
Dead on TV at Ultra Lounge
Charlie Trotter's Dinner (Kitchen Table)
Amnesia - 04/13/2012
Clowning Around with Susan Performforthelove
Paris Green - Beijing & Bullets
Jason Duerr & Sax
C2E2 2012 - Day 2
C2E2 2012 - Day 1
Carnal at Neo - 04/08/2012
Sidney - Trooper Bath
Neo - Carnal Spring Break - 03/25/2012
NoTellMotel - Sidney Scarlet - 3/21/2012
WCR 3/12/2012 - Manic Attacker's vs Hell's Belles
WCR 3/10/2012 - The Fury vs Double Crossers
Fetish at The Continuum II
Alexandra Sadista - Single Tail
Alexandra Sadista - Leather and Metal
Alexandra Sadista - Latex n Metal
1901 Gallery In The Dark: Red Carpet Massacre 2012
Angel and Aedan
Clockwork Angel
Torn Shirt (Angel)
Missisippi Stranglers at Messner's 12-16-2011
Neo Booth Pics
Neo NYE 2011-2012
Susan - Pinup
Anjelika Raqs
Steph Bee
Vera in Natural Rope and Skirt
Vera 01
Vera in Pink
1901 In The Dark: Around the World in 69 Ways
Kitten Traxx Chicago Banked Track Invitaional Night 1
Angel - Koala Hat
Angel - Cereal and Milk
Angel in Rope
Angel Prep, Zebra and Leather
Virtual World Broctoberfest 2011 - Outside the Pod Bay
Virtual World Broctoberfest 2011 - In the Pod Bay
Carnal Halloween Masquerade at Neo - 10/30/2011
Neo Halloween Nights 1 and 2 - 10/28/2011 & 10/29/2011
Full Moon Jam 10/11/2011
North Ave Beach 10/15/2011
Monumental Mayhem Medals Ceremony
Windy City Rollers vs Minnesota Roller Girls: Monumental Mayhem 10/09/2011
Monumental Mayhem Shopping Cart Shennanigans
Chicago Outfit vs Arch Rival Roller Girls: Monumental Mayhem 10/09/2011
Naptown Roller Girls vs Detroit Derby Girls: Monumental Mayhem 10/09/2011
Windy City Rollers vs Naptown Roller Girls at Monumental Mayhem 10/08/2011
Chicago Outfit vs Brewcity Bruisers at Monumental Mayhem 10/08/2011
Detroit Derby Girls vs Minnesota Roller Girls at Monumental Mayhem 10/08/2011
Chicago Outfit vs Mad Rollin' Dolls at Monumental Mayhem 10/08/2011
Monumental Mayhem 10/07/2011: Naptown Roller Girls vs Cincinnati Rollergirls
Monumental Mayhem 10/07/2011: Windy City Rollers vs Arch Rivals
Monumental Mayhem 10/07/2011: Minnesota RollerGirls vs Mad Rollin' Dolls
Monumental Mayhem 10/07/2011: Brewcity Brewsers vs Ohio Roller Girls
Monumental Mayhem 10/07/2011: Chicago Outfit vs Arch Rival Roller Girls I
DragonCon 2011 - Saturday
DragonCon 2011 - Saturday - Parade
DragonCon 2011 - Friday
DragonCon 2011 - Thursday Night
WCR All Stars vs. San Diego Derby Dolls Wildfires
WCR Second Wind vs. Ohio Roller Girls
1901 In the Dark: Freaky Animals
Panzer Dragoon Orta Cosplay
Wizard World Chicago 2011 - Sunday
Boondock Saints Reunited Panel at Wizard World Chicago
Windy City Rollers - WCR Seocnd Wind vs Wall Street Traitors
Windy City Rollers - WCR All Stars vs Steel City Derby Demons
Hello Sidney
Windy City Rollers 06/18/2011
Carnival of Curiosity & Chaos
Sidney in Jeanshorts and Rope
Fetish at The Continuum
Windy City Rollers - 04/23/2011
Baconfest 2011
Windy City Rollers 04/09/2011
Rock the Foundation Room - 03/27/2011
Rock the Foundation Room - 02/13/2011
A Very Bloody Valentines Day
Neo - 1/30/2011 - Carnal 1 Year Anniversary
Kitty Zombie's Neo Birthday
Neo - 01/22/2011
Neo 1/19/2011 - Employee Appreciation
Snowpocalypse 2011 5:30am
Snowpocalypse 2011 1:00am
A Burlesque Tribute to Pnk Floyd's The Wall 2011
Aedan Rayne in Red Latex
Neo New Years Eve 2010
Sidney's Star Trek Xmas
Red Bull Banked Track Jam
Zombies on Ice 3
Margaret 12/08/2010
November Debauchery at Lucky Number Grill
Day 3 - Uproar on the Lakeshore
Day 2 - Uproar on the Lakeshore
Day 1 - Uproar on the Lakeshore
Roller Derby
Carnal Halloween 2010 at Neo
Kitty's Haunted Bayou at Neo
Feral Tub
In the Dark: Great XXX-Pectations
Baconfest Chicago Satelite Dinner at Chalkboard Restaurant
Neo 31st Anniversary Party
In The Dark: Hotter than Hell
VWE Battletech 20th Anniversary in South Haven, MI
Wizard World - Final 5 (4) Cylon Panel
Wizard World - John de Lancie Q&A
Wizard World - William Shatner Q&A
Wizard World - Brent Spiner Q&A
Wizard World - Avery Brooks Q&A
Wizard World - Cosplay & Random
Viva La Muerte
SS-XXX at Debauchery (at Lucky Number Grill)
Full Moon Jam 07/26/2010
Thrill Kill Kult and Lords of Acid
Grand Ave Big Top at Betty's Blue Star Lounge Pt II
Jen and Marc Wedding
Grand Ave Big Top at Betty's Blue Star Lounge
Cyphan 2010
Brand New Sin w/Born Again Rebels at Cubby Bear 06/21/2010
Jim Marcus DJs at Neo
Elektro Break II at Neo Nightclub
Die Warzau/i:Scintilla/Cruciform Injetion/Dead Room at Bottom Lounge 06/11/2010
Hot and Heavy Burlesque's Tribute to Spinal Tap
Retro Zombie Tiki Terror 2
Anime Central 2010
Full Moon Jam 04/28/2010
Windy City Burlesque Fest 2010
C2E2 2010
CBLDF's An Evening with Neil Gaiman at C2E2 2010
Baconfest 2010
Zombie Infection
In the Dark: Shadows and Echoes
Hot & Heavy Burlesque - Sunday Sizzler
1901 Gallery Pisces Night II - Alice in Wonderland Performance
Midwest Electro-Industrial Alliance Tour 2010
Kitty Zombie
Britta and Michael
In the Dark: Reborn
Hot and Heavy Burlesque Tribute to The Wall
Crisiswear Clothing Product Shoot
Shannara Studio 12/20/2009
Anditron's Maternity Pics (featuring bob909)
Spanksgiving 2009 at RockBox
LTG 2009
Broctoberfest 2009
Halloween 2009
Atomic Halloween at Neo
Grim Burlesque - 10/24/09
Hellaween III - Freakz Come Out at Night
Gothtoberfest 2009
Night of the Drinking Dead
Circus in the Parks - Midnight Circus at Chase Park
Celtic Fest Chicago
Post Apocalyptic Burlesque at Villains 09/12/09
Apoptygma Berserk with Comasoft and The Surrender
Imperative Reaction and Critical System Error at Abbey Pub
Full Moon Jam 09/03/09
i:Scintilla and Project Pitchfork at Abbey Pub
Thriller Zombie Walk
New York City
Anime Central 2009
Pillow Fight
Zombie Pinups
Neo Nightclub
Portland and Seattle Vacation 2008
Strike a Pose - Studio and location work
2009 Winter Carnival at Abbey Pub
Seabound and De/Vision at Abbey Pub - 1/10/2009
New Year 2008/9
Christmas 2008
Darkroom - 12/14
Sweet Surrender Fashion Show at Rednofive
Halloween 2008
Rodger and Cassandra Engagement
Seattle - Noc Noc
Seattle - Pike Place Market
Marymoor Park - Redmond
Portland Japanese Garden
Speedboat River Tour
Burlesque at Darkroom - 12/14/08
Vex Clothing Fashion Show
Sinstress Performances
Fire and Voodoo - SS Triple-X Performance
Vampire Night at LNG
Paris Green of Belmont Burlesque
Twisted Hipz
Natasha - Belly Dancer
Xena 5/13/2007
Tanya 05/19/2007
Mark, Meesh and Tanya
Voltaire at Winter Carnivale at The Abbey
Ron Fitzgerald at Winter Carnivale at The Abbey
Comasoft at Winter Carnivale at The Abbey
Curiosity at Winter Carnivale at The Abbey
Chicago Flair at Martyr's
i:Scintilla at Darkroom - 12/14/08
George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Cubby Bear
Smoke at Double Door 07/12/2008
Jungle Rot at Double Door 07/12/2008
Mindwarp Chamber at Double Door 07/12/2008
Cyanotic at Double Door 07/12/08
Cruciform Injection at Abbey Pub
JILT at Abbey Pub
Spanking Machine at Kinetic Playground
Attrition at Kinetic Playground
i:Scintilla at Kinetic Playground
Sid Maudlin - 11/11/06
Comasoft - 11/11/06
Jilt at Darkroom
Fun Club - 11/11/2006
Beneath the Blue - 11/11/2006
Comasoft 08/20/2006
Fun Club 08/20/2006
Sid Maudlin
Terminal Bliss
Fashion Shows
In Motion
One Day - 1/29/08
Lincoln Park Zoo
New Year 2007/8
Christmas 2007
City in Motion
New Jersey Nov 2007
The Zoo
Rodger and Cassandra's Wedding
Greg and Jen's Wedding
Windy City Rollers
Zombie Burlesque
Horse Racing
CCfBaP Thesis Opening
NYE 2006/7 @ Neo Nightclub
Full Moon Fire and Drum Jam
Wizard World 2008
Anime Central 07
Halloween 2006
Reel Chicago International Film Festival
Shadows & Light
Thanksgiving 2006
LTG 2006
MM Cooking School
San Francisco Sept 06
Matt and Mark's Housewarming