latenightowl: Everyone is Welcome at My Table
latenightowl: Dorable
Cle e Turma: Pyetra
leonorborgesmachado: Dia Mundial do Ambiente
Marc VC: Voor wie Opsinjoor zoekt voor 25 euro koop je hem in den Troc #mechelen #igmechelen
Verachitta: Detalhe!
Carla Pianchão patchwork my way: O vaso de barro, a moça leve e eu
Patchwiz / Julia: Sashing 2
fantasie country: pechinese welcome
muffintop: Those Kong frisbees just don't hold up real well.
ENEpatch: Galinhas
jude hill: the cat in the moon
Laurraine Yuyama: Furry Quilting
Oscar Fernandes Júnior: Chuva de meteoro. Fotografia tirada às 2:30 da manhã.
Beaubelle: Leah werd gisteren op 2 mei acht jaar. Yesterday Leah celebrated her 8th birthday.
Elza Patchwork: Mini Bolsa!
retalhodelua: canecas
vagabondfcr: Ghillie
Elba Arteira: Pincushions -Alfineteiros
MaureenduLong: Mona Moog
AMO FUXICO: Minhas Artes-Colcha de Fuxicos
sweetjanequilting: me at quilt market at Martingale's booth
Velucinha arte em pano: Santa Rosalia
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Carcará - Series with the Caracara, Crested, Crested audubon, Audubon (Polyborus plancus) – 23-05-2013 – IMG_2626