*jeri~L*: <3 those shoes!! ;)
*jeri~L*: Sweet Dreams :)
*jeri~L*: Fun days :)
*jeri~L*: Nikki
*jeri~L*: wedding
*jeri~L*: Love <3
*jeri~L*: Copper
*jeri~L*: the love of a family...
*jeri~L*: Jamie & Saylor
*jeri~L*: Anniversary #18 !!!
*jeri~L*: Happy Birthday Baby!!!
*jeri~L*: #16 Thanks Everyone!!
*jeri~L*: :o} .... EXPLORED!!! YAY
*jeri~L*: Love Of A Father ..........
*jeri~L*: The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. - O. A. Battista
*jeri~L*: The day will happen whether or not you get up. ~John Ciardi
*jeri~L*: pink1
*jeri~L*: just me ;o/
*jeri~L*: Miranda & Craig / Green For March
*jeri~L*: Boys in the Hood ;o)
*jeri~L*: ;o))
*jeri~L*: Can you tell this is my Mom??!! ;o)
*jeri~L*: Happiness ;o)
*jeri~L*: I'm just now finding out that one made it back in June !! :O (#4).... Thanks everyone ;o))
*jeri~L*: Anna
*jeri~L*: LOVE <3
*jeri~L*: The NEW GF :o/ ...... **update: he is single AGAIN !!! YAY.... lmao
*jeri~L*: Merry Christmas =)
*jeri~L*: Purple Love :)