drpep: Window decor ice cream shop in Homer, NY
drpep: Window decor ice cream shop in Homer, NY
cardboardamerica@gmail.com: Strawberry Patch
frankrolf: Alan Blackman
99Sense: Female Treasure Tea
pinprick: white rabbit
JasonLiebig: McDonald's - The Smile Makers 88 - Employee Fashion Catalog Page 030
Travis Stearns: Stealth 3
ARMAHN ▲RM▲HN: rocky rococo
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Chicago Bungalow - Photographed on expired Fujifilm FP100c instant film with an 80's Polaroid Miniportrait passport / ID camera
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Portrait of Marcher Arrant, Chicago 2022. - Shot on expired Fujifilm FP100c instant film with a 1980’s Polaroid MiniPortrait passport ID camera.
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Double portrait of artist Edie Fake
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Page spread from "I'm Slow", a 2021 zine by Jeremy Pettis, published by Dirty Art Press
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: "I'm Slow", a 2021 zine of photos and drawings by Jeremy Pettis. Published by Dirty Art Press, Chicago.
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: "Fuzz Gathering" by Barry McGee. Zine made for his exhibition at Perrotin, Paris, France in 2021
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Front cover of booklet for mini CD, "Loving Creatures" by Lizard Kisses. Designed by Edie Fake, 2013
Brechtbug: 1932 Popeye Paint Book Thimble Theatre Comic Strip 4924A
hawhawjames: Raisin!
goon_town_killer: Mystery Edge razor blades
Wyld_Hare: Vintage Hallmark Stickers
fotoflow / Oscar Arriola: Page spread from "Headbangers and Bombers" a 2004 collaborative zine by Barry McGee / TWIST, Jacob Ciocci, Clare Rojas, and Andrew Jeffrey Wright