JeremyCrow: Crafting the Arte of Tradition by Shani Oates. Signed and personalized to me. @anathemapublishing
JeremyCrow: Crafting the Arte of Tradition by Shani Oates. @anathemapublishing
JeremyCrow: Me and Shani Oates at Flambeau Noir 2017 in Ottawa. Was a pleasure to meet you!
JeremyCrow: Was great to meet Richard Kaczynski at Flambeau Noir over the weekend. He gave a great lecture on using the scientific method to examine your magical results and improve your workings in the future. I just wish we had more time to hang out.
JeremyCrow: Was great to meet Gabriel from @anathemapublishing at Flambeau Noir in Ottawa! #occult #books
JeremyCrow: Saw this out front of the conference hall for Flambeau Noir. #666 #Ottawa
JeremyCrow: Cinnamon (15 years old) enjoying her new dog bed.
JeremyCrow: Got four days off starting right now! Giving a Tarot reading to a client this morning, then some quality time with my son and finally lots and lots of sleep. Haha
JeremyCrow: My little explorer ready for a hike, with his binoculars.
JeremyCrow: Enjoyed an energizing solitary morning walk. So much nicer out today.
JeremyCrow: Ah, glorious Springtime in sunny Canada.
JeremyCrow: Some #books I recently unpacked. Mostly #Hermetic but a couple others in there.
JeremyCrow: Found this interesting #artwork by the curb in front of a neighbor's house. #swastika
JeremyCrow: Saw this duck and his mate on a nature walk today with my family, before it started snowing.
JeremyCrow: Found another few chicken feet right by that same intersection as before.
JeremyCrow: I've come a long way from the 140 lb #hardgainer a decade ago. Roughly 200 lbs now. Not too shabby for a 6'1" guy! #fitness #progress #92
JeremyCrow: Finally got a chance to try the world famous Uncle Tetsu's #cheesecake. I'd show the actual food but I already ate it.
JeremyCrow: Some unsorted #occult #books.
JeremyCrow: Luciferian admits that all Satanists, Luciferians, Witches share 98% DNA. #luciferianagenda
JeremyCrow: Picked up a #Japanese food magazine to practice identifying the #hiragana & #katakana characters. It's a confidence booster to realize how many characters I know. Next step is to tackle the kanji characters and also to build up my vocabulary. To start wit
JeremyCrow: My son Lex looking cool outside the @ontariosciencecentre on Tuesday. He had a blast playing with his friend Maeve. Tons of interactive things to do for kids there. Definitely going again. Picked up a family pass.
JeremyCrow: Room for rent. Filipino Only. Is this an example of racist discrimination? #Toronto
JeremyCrow: Damn, the sun is bright this morning! Supersun perhaps?
JeremyCrow: Another angle. Burned out car in #Toronto
JeremyCrow: Found this burnt out car on the side of the road in #Toronto this morning.
JeremyCrow: The T-BERD 224 Pulse Code Modulation Analyzer. #Telecom #Phreak #2600
JeremyCrow: Starting reading Sebitti: Mesopotamian #Magick & #Demonology by @akhtyamwford This copy was a gift from the author, signed and personalised. #occult #books
JeremyCrow: Had some fun with street chalk yesterday out back. I did The Flash logo and my wife did the monkey. Rain washed it away overnight.
JeremyCrow: Spotted these beautiful shelf #mushrooms while hiking a few days ago.
JeremyCrow: #Movember inspired #StreetArt on black brick in the #trinitybellwoods area of #Toronto. Photo taken last week during a light rain.