twelve spotted skimmer
Stephen Mudge:
Anaxidia lozogramma
IronRodArt - Royce Bair ("Star Shooter"):
Milky Way over windmill
Lost America:
Petroleum Bender
GORGEous nature:
Townsend's Vole 20160530_9131
GORGEous nature:
Tree Swallow 20160601_9745
GORGEous nature:
Ash-throated Flycatcher 20160602_0134
GORGEous nature:
Western Meadowlark 20160521_6088
GORGEous nature:
Swainson's Thrush 20160601_9806
GORGEous nature:
Long-tailed Weasel 20160608_1922
GORGEous nature:
Northern Harrier 20160109_7092
GORGEous nature:
Great Blue Heron 20160115_8930
Jennifer Schlick:
IMG_1339 Jennifer and Lolli
Audubon Community Nature Center:
Trail Guides waiting for the bus
Jennifer Schlick:
IMG_4607 - Found the Treasure!
bug of the day
Audubon Community Nature Center:
STEM after school program at JCC April 2015
Mr. Greenjeans:
barely there
GORGEous nature:
American Kestrel 20150423_0900
Jennifer Schlick:
IMG_0107 Sky with Butterfly w Color Efex
The Charliecam:
Dicentra cucullaria