jennyrach: Sharing the birthday package I sent to @partyofeightourstory for our #craftybirthdaybash1 birthday club. It's so fun each month to design and make special gifts tailored to each person! These pot holders and kitchen towels turned out so cheery and brigh
jennyrach: This year's entry for the Halloween cake decorating contest!! I may have been a bit overly ambitious, but I'm happy with it (and glad it's done!). Yellow cake with vanilla buttercream frosting, decorated with royal icing.
jennyrach: Maggie @legs_benedict finally got her hands on the mini quilt I made her for the #watlmqg (or #wamqg) swap and I'm so glad she likes it!! I followed a tutorial by @badskirt for the plaid-look blocks and had so much fun (and angst!) choosing colors and fa
jennyrach: What a nice start to my Saturday! Thanks for the free pattern on Craftsy, @jeliquilts !!
jennyrach: A few more. I really should be getting other things done, but love this. Would someone please pay me to address envelopes for them?! #paperobsessed @crimsontate
jennyrach: Just took a few moments to make some mail for @crimsontate - kind of a fun, mind-clearing exercise :) Check it out on her IG feed. #paperobsessed
jennyrach: This has been the Impossible to Photograph Quilt. But we did it today! Hurray! Designed by me, using the Sophia fabric line by @andoverfabrics . Quilted by @onconnorshill . I "cheated" and machine sewed the binding but love it (see earlier pic on my I
jennyrach: Anybody recognize this one?! Finally put together the few missing blocks and assembled my quilt top from the #moderninstabee ! Just about a year after my month in the bee 😊. Pattern is the Triple Star from the book Modern Bee. A big thank you to
jennyrach: A little quiet hand sewing tonight. Thinking about Carrie @gotchacoveredquilting - these hexie flowers are headed your way with loads of healing thoughts. #hexiesforhealing
jennyrach: Gosh, getting things done this morning at the #virtualsewcial ! I made this baby quilt top last night and just scrounged through what little real yardage I have to piece together a backing. Our quilt guild is doing a baby quilt drive to gather quilts to
jennyrach: See, how cute is that?! This baby is done and headed to the washing machine! May even be dry and crinkly before the #virtualsewcial is over 😉
jennyrach: Joining @whip.stitch for her #virtualsewcial - I'm *gasp* machine binding my Sophia quilt this morning!! I have never machine bound a quilt before (and have been kind of snobbish about it!) but decided to go for it on this one, and am using a zig-zag sti
jennyrach: Well, it's not my aesthetic, but I think that's the point! Fabrics chosen by my 11-year old, for me to make a little wristlet birthday gift for her friend. So I guess the 80's just won't die, huh?!
jennyrach: Finally getting to work on my mini quilt for the #wamqg swap in two weeks. I sure hope somebody likes where this is headed!! I used a tutorial from @badskirt for this one. Makes my brain hurt a bit, but I love it!
jennyrach: Detail of Sarah's @onconnorshill quilting on our family quilt. Just perfect 😊. This is the first quilt I've ever outsourced for the quilting and love love love it - I guess I always thought the quilt wouldn't be "mine" if I sent it out for quiltin
jennyrach: I finished binding this beauty last night and couldn't be happier! This is our super big (6' x 7') family sofa cuddle quilt - I just picked fabrics that made me happy and kept it simple and I love it! It's backed in navy blue minky dot, so is heavy and
jennyrach: Yahoo! This quilt top is done! But it's raining, so I'm stuck with this crummy indoor photo to share! She's a big one (for me, at least!), about 6' square. The fabrics are from the Sophia line by @andoverfabrics - and the deep teal of that outer ring
jennyrach: Last night I sewed up this fun Tablet Case from #HandmadeStyleBook by @noodlehead531 and love it! I love the look of the bias-tape edges, but am such a perfectionist about machine binding that I almost broke down and hand sewed it, but I persevered and a
jennyrach: How fun are these #gemologyblock ?! These are 6" blocks, and I'm thinking 9 would make a stunning pillow 😊. Pattern from Craftsy by @sarahrose__ .
jennyrach: Isn't it so fun to see a quilt start coming together?! This is just the top left quadrant of my Sophia quilt. I much prefer putting a quilt together this way - in chunks, rather than rows. Way more satisfying, and fewer long seams 😊
jennyrach: Test block done! Now just 15 more to make :). The secondary pattern repeat is going to be awesome! Fabric is Sophia from @andoverfabrics. @giucy_giuce
jennyrach: It was an afternoon of sketching and coloring and making templates and seeing if ideas work 😊. Usually, I'd make a petal out of four units (2 squares plus two drunkards path), but I figured out a better way to show off larger prints in the petals,
jennyrach: Yay! Katie @charliemarmalade received her #craftybirthdaybash1 package! I made her this rainbow feather table runner (that I've totally overgrammed along the way!) and couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out 😊. Katie's got a great pic on h
jennyrach: Score! These melamine dinner plates were 50% off at Paper Source! We can finally get rid of the 11-year old Elmo and Noah's Ark plastic plates for the kids!
jennyrach: Binding 😊. And watching Revenge on Netflix. Just finished the Pilot and am excited to find a new show!
jennyrach: All basted, and I have no idea how to quilt it. I don't do fancy FMQ, and usually prefer white-ish thread for quilting. Any ideas, IG quilters?!?
jennyrach: Eeep! I'm pretty excited by this one! Wondering if I should border it, and if so, with color (maybe squares of bright solids?) or white? Anyone have suggested dimensions for a table runner? #featherbedquilt
jennyrach: Back at the machine after a little break... These were fun test blocks - need to vary up my strip width, but love how this is turning out! This is the feather from the free Feather Bed Quilt by @annamariahorner (shrunk down to 66% to give a 12" block of
jennyrach: Yay! I came home to the sweetest package from @mysweetmerrimint ! I LOVE the mini she made me for the #cottonandsteelminiquiltswap ! Love your fabric choices, and it's so well made - your triangle points are perfect and I have no idea how you machine s