jennkr: hello sweet birthday boy
jennkr: All Ty gets to do for fun.
jennkr: Picnic time
jennkr: close-up on the nephew
jennkr: kids, 2014
jennkr: tree farm pic
jennkr: 3-1-8
jennkr: standing tall
jennkr: Ty, 1 year
jennkr: Tybuddy
jennkr: Lilly, Ty, SaraBeth
jennkr: Lauren and the 3
jennkr: hee.
jennkr: big sister is tall...
jennkr: 104/365 - 4.14.15
jennkr: going for the year
jennkr: hello, ladies.
jennkr: The nephew! at last.
jennkr: summer days with Ty and his toy of choice.
jennkr: these girls. those faces.
jennkr: holding him still.
jennkr: 181/365 - 6.29.15
jennkr: 180/365 - 6.28.15
jennkr: 182/365 - 6.30.15
jennkr: 185/365 - 7.3.15
jennkr: 6:00 a.m. in my room
jennkr: There is no room for JuJu.
jennkr: DSC05709-bw