jennkr: She's reading the Anastasia Krupnik books at the request of the school librarian, who is considering getting rid of them because it's been so long since they've been checked out. So, the fate of their continuance at this school now depends upon her revie
jennkr: Birthday weekend round 2; getting fueled up.
jennkr: ye old atmosphere
jennkr: getting that form down
jennkr: victory! (from an actual impressive distance)
jennkr: intersting technique
jennkr: eye on the prize
jennkr: Love these kids.
jennkr: Rooftop slide at Skyline Park
jennkr: all up in my face
jennkr: Ty-face, 3 years, b&w
jennkr: went back inside for shows to hopscotch in,
jennkr: hopscotch kinda day
jennkr: DSC00279
jennkr: Just a couple of witches, grabbing a butter beer and a corner booth at the Hog's Head.
jennkr: 2nd leg of this trip, comedy with some wildcats.
jennkr: Breezy ride to soccer with mini-Colleen.
jennkr: Maria likes silly poses, but she will NOT be licked.
jennkr: Falcor!
jennkr: Adventures in brother-visiting. "We close on 30 minutes." Mom: "We can drink a lot of beer on 30 minutes."
jennkr: Hazy summer evening; fountain-watching to pass the time while dining outside.
jennkr: Dear restaurant patrons, you know what goes well with your pizza? Our sweet dance moves. Coming at you whether you like it or not.
jennkr: Took a shot of my computer screen while downloading pictures, because 2nd cousins hanging out like this is adorable enough to show through some poor resolution.
jennkr: Worn out with cousin fun.
jennkr: I'm pretty sure my paddle boat partner was not doing her share of the work.
jennkr: Family fun.
jennkr: Second cousin bonding.
jennkr: On the second day in a row of road trip, this sound was so so sweet.
jennkr: A little baseball history at the site of a one-time-field. Raised eyebrows and open mouth as she took in how a city landscape can change.
jennkr: Library score.