jennkr: first night at the cabin
jennkr: rockin' on the porch
jennkr: first thing - cake
jennkr: getting the birthday started
jennkr: 1st night, Ben is excited
jennkr: Bill eats cake
jennkr: mmmm.
jennkr: someone's making me a breakfast casserole!
jennkr: red raspberries
jennkr: from our cabin
jennkr: nature stuff
jennkr: me being hilarious
jennkr: Ben clowing
jennkr: windy day
jennkr: Vineyard!
jennkr: Ben and Farrah checking out the vines
jennkr: This place was lovely the last time I was here, too
jennkr: Carmen happy with her wine
jennkr: the sweet ones
jennkr: pretty
jennkr: with my friend
jennkr: Snazzy Bill
jennkr: candid on Ben and Farrah
jennkr: with a mysterious shiny lavender-shirted man
jennkr: these people
jennkr: fishes
jennkr: spring
jennkr: Benny & Farrah
jennkr: a relaxing winery porch
jennkr: experiencing the culture