jennkr: warm welcomes
jennkr: Friday night dinner
jennkr: Nail time!
jennkr: where the boys are
jennkr: the 3 boys in a quiet spot
jennkr: playing football while remaining motionless
jennkr: pool lesson
jennkr: the girl cousins!
jennkr: SaraB poolside
jennkr: Sweet B and baby
jennkr: still working the tooth
jennkr: ruh-roh
jennkr: Watch out for that Uncle Taylor
jennkr: this face
jennkr: I wanna be where the people are
jennkr: quiet lunch inside
jennkr: lakeside football
jennkr: football - go, Claire!
jennkr: go, Claire!
jennkr: One of these things is not like the other...
jennkr: 2 of these things are kinda the same...
jennkr: One of these things is doing it's own thing...
jennkr: Claire and Lilly
jennkr: 3 verticals and 2 horizontals
jennkr: girls running free
jennkr: slugger
jennkr: view from the patio
jennkr: family reunion cuteness
jennkr: Oooh, someone here is SO excited by what they see... and it's not the dog.
jennkr: kitchen cousins