jennkr: hi, Lills!!
jennkr: it started out well...
jennkr: Not taking warming-up seriously
jennkr: Game face, that's more like it.
jennkr: And begin!
jennkr: Goal #1
jennkr: #4 started pushing her around.
jennkr: stiff-arming
jennkr: #4 says, back off!
jennkr: water break!
jennkr: playing field
jennkr: Getting into the game.
jennkr: Soccer fashion
jennkr: soccer field, end of day
jennkr: By this time she's angry.
jennkr: Lime soccer love.
jennkr: hee.
jennkr: getting frustrated
jennkr: a near goal!
jennkr: Just after near-goal save from lime, they really start going at each other.
jennkr: Taken down from behind. (Note, not pleased.)
jennkr: At least she was quicker to get up.
jennkr: And then there was some real scuffling between her and #4.
jennkr: ...And more scuffling..
jennkr: The beginning of the end
jennkr: unfazed
jennkr: Where's Lilly? again?
jennkr: 5-yr-old style climbing
jennkr: waiting in line
jennkr: line