jennkr: hangin' with the girls
jennkr: the fudge pop
jennkr: the "now I'm gonna tell you the rules" face
jennkr: dirty knees and all
jennkr: getting to know her sister...
jennkr: nuzzle
jennkr: mischief this way lurks
jennkr: puzzling something out
jennkr: finally, a few minutes without rain
jennkr: a little sun in an otherwise stormy week
jennkr: "I've been wanting this my whole life!!"
jennkr: nerd niece
jennkr: SB in 3D
jennkr: ready at last
jennkr: testing out the 3D
jennkr: the exhileration of almost touching a worm
jennkr: almost touching a worm...
jennkr: besos
jennkr: girl loves herself some babies
jennkr: watching her new sister
jennkr: trying to fit them both in...
jennkr: 5 and 1 week
jennkr: big feets, little feets
jennkr: Easter twins
jennkr: soccer challenge
jennkr: The 5-year-old
jennkr: just 3 friends hanging out...
jennkr: sometimes you see a giant teddy bear and you just have to buy it
jennkr: Lucy can spell!
jennkr: collaberating