jennkr: looking for signs that I'm near Dragon Con...
jennkr: happy hour in downtown Atlanta, night before Dragon Con kicks off
jennkr: happy hour watching
jennkr: disco trooper
jennkr: guy who likes big guns
jennkr: the dude abides
jennkr: on a break from the beast's castle
jennkr: Jenny requests photo with clown's back
jennkr: she saw my camera and struck a pose
jennkr: pretty good
jennkr: meep meep
jennkr: the clown lingers
jennkr: sucker punch
jennkr: superfluous information
jennkr: cyborg?
jennkr: the Grinch havin' a beer
jennkr: sabers
jennkr: finding supermen
jennkr: man proffers arm, Renee laughs
jennkr: I don't know.
jennkr: she was less afraid of him than I was
jennkr: Johnny, 20 years later
jennkr: fun for the whole family!
jennkr: networking
jennkr: happy hour attendees
jennkr: Sarah spots her favorite lego heads
jennkr: the silver surfer
jennkr: hotel from the elevator
jennkr: miniature dragon con-ers
jennkr: Manuel's