jennkr: summer steaminess
jennkr: summer peach pie making
jennkr: pie!
jennkr: what could make the pie better? butter!
jennkr: a little running after a long drive
jennkr: love this one
jennkr: Porter happy with Jess
jennkr: Jess gets snap happy
jennkr: the stuff nightmares are made of
jennkr: rain hair
jennkr: armless
jennkr: lunching with Lucy
jennkr: she's a good little eater
jennkr: Lucy-cakes!
jennkr: a handful
jennkr: Jessica has lunch with William
jennkr: Jess with the teddy bear
jennkr: squish
jennkr: quiet time with her Sweet Auburn Bakery goods
jennkr: Carmen loves to hug
jennkr: Fellini's for the Atlanta trip
jennkr: like old times - but older
jennkr: candid Kelly
jennkr: no longer candid
jennkr: another Johnny's birthday for Leigh
jennkr: night out with T
jennkr: with mr. bachelor party nose-break himself
jennkr: cheeks
jennkr: getting some post-Johnny's chips n' salsa
jennkr: summer, backyard, homemade hummus, fresh grilled b read