jennkr: dessert a'plenty
jennkr: wild pregnant lady gesticulating
jennkr: lady of honor
jennkr: surprise! i turn around in my chair and i get you!
jennkr: from someone who likes John
jennkr: best wrapping job, Taylor
jennkr: artsy blanket from tay-tay
jennkr: present help from the fam
jennkr: the group at an angle
jennkr: the group!
jennkr: helloo, old classmates
jennkr: Nancy and Big Kat
jennkr: the belly
jennkr: the personalities
jennkr: babe
jennkr: its dark and grainy, but you can still tell this is an especially cute baby
jennkr: trying to stall so I don't get her eating
jennkr: Kat!
jennkr: mmm.... cake....
jennkr: Jack
jennkr: it's all in the name
jennkr: burping time
jennkr: revisiting Jack at 1 month - he's grown!
jennkr: Jack, 1 month
jennkr: Kat with her babe
jennkr: a Sunday home visit
jennkr: Thirza gets Jack time
jennkr: wide-eyed
jennkr: hee.
jennkr: hee hee.