jennkr: hangin' with the girls
jennkr: "Pappy" by Sara Beth
jennkr: the fudge pop
jennkr: Lilly - 1 week
jennkr: lil' hands and lil' face
jennkr: the "now I'm gonna tell you the rules" face
jennkr: soccer challenge
jennkr: dirty knees and all
jennkr: lil' Lilly
jennkr: getting to know her sister...
jennkr: 1 week
jennkr: Lilly - 1 week old
jennkr: the Lillipution
jennkr: feets
jennkr: The 5-year-old
jennkr: giving dad a tour of the town
jennkr: an homage to A Christmas Story
jennkr: a rare open-eyed moment
jennkr: it's hard work being a baby
jennkr: sister nap
jennkr: nuzzle
jennkr: way too many cupcakes
jennkr: mischief this way lurks
jennkr: the giggles
jennkr: present time
jennkr: sisters
jennkr: around the 4th day of rain
jennkr: Lillypants
jennkr: napping
jennkr: puzzling something out