jennkr: snaggle toothed.
jennkr: 2 front teethless!
jennkr: up close
jennkr: teeth check
jennkr: Troy got bigger!
jennkr: like his brother-
jennkr: blueberries
jennkr: getting a look at the curls
jennkr: still has the lashes
jennkr: 14 months
jennkr: William
jennkr: self soothing
jennkr: looking innocent
jennkr: just a girl on the farm
jennkr: a boy and some chickens
jennkr: cow and taylor face off
jennkr: lil' Kathryn
jennkr: hungray
jennkr: peak-a-boo
jennkr: cheeks
jennkr: taking a moment
jennkr: little clasp
jennkr: happy kiddos
jennkr: jumpy jumpy
jennkr: snacking with the cattle
jennkr: so excited
jennkr: perspective
jennkr: some turkeys and some peacocks
jennkr: #3
jennkr: that face