jennkr: pregnant mannequin
jennkr: what he'd look like with braids
jennkr: cozy pub after flight
jennkr: things that should not be hanging from a wire.
jennkr: Kasey looking not so interested
jennkr: my first hot toddy
jennkr: hot toddy * 3
jennkr: Christa looking interested
jennkr: hot toddy bye bye
jennkr: my roommates for the weekend
jennkr: there is not a single good thing about this photo
jennkr: laughing
jennkr: apartment-sized tree
jennkr: casa de Alexis & Ethan
jennkr: Oates!
jennkr: persimmons
jennkr: Whiskey
jennkr: Alexis's home
jennkr: resting but ready
jennkr: Alexis' cool entryway
jennkr: where the work gets done
jennkr: backyard!
jennkr: Peri!
jennkr: teething?
jennkr: smilingest baby ever
jennkr: and she smiles in a hat
jennkr: getting sweatered
jennkr: baby face
jennkr: what Propect Park looks like on a dreary gray day
jennkr: more park