jennkr: psyched to be baptised
jennkr: a quick bathroom gown change
jennkr: happy baby
jennkr: Peri's baptism
jennkr: Ethan and Peri
jennkr: P, E, & A
jennkr: FarmCart
jennkr: Heidi-Ho and SexyLexy
jennkr: hair
jennkr: Aunt Christine
jennkr: Christine enjoying some girl time
jennkr: my hamburguesa was especially delcious
jennkr: man friends
jennkr: a blue-eyed boy
jennkr: double fisting
jennkr: attentive
jennkr: 4 month hands
jennkr: this is how I picture Alexis
jennkr: la peregrina
jennkr: old chums
jennkr: awesome pants from the back
jennkr: awesome pants
jennkr: aunt love
jennkr: walking the baby
jennkr: baby boots
jennkr: Ray & Peg
jennkr: the man of the hour makes his entrance
jennkr: One 70th Birthday boy, ready to party-
jennkr: guests
jennkr: Ethan makes his costume known