jennkr: Black-Tie teams
jennkr: feux fall
jennkr: for Katherine
jennkr: golden lightening
jennkr: dapper Sanj
jennkr: a real fall weekend with wind =
jennkr: lady?
jennkr: horsin'
jennkr: a white team come back...
jennkr: strong blonde
jennkr: fun times
jennkr: having a laugh
jennkr: racing
jennkr: penalty
jennkr: yet another kilt goal
jennkr: footie!
jennkr: lazy day at the park
jennkr: Michael on the goal
jennkr: Michael goal
jennkr: football fan
jennkr: kilt on goal
jennkr: flying kilt
jennkr: shot and...
jennkr: score.
jennkr: white team celebration
jennkr: top of the morning, to you
jennkr: crying foul...
jennkr: in yo face
jennkr: ruh-ro...
jennkr: moment before a tackle