jennkr: still happy from the bus
jennkr: snap happy Carmen
jennkr: through the glass
jennkr: working the bare vines
jennkr: good tastes and good sites
jennkr: more around Blackstock
jennkr: photo of the photo
jennkr: one of the first spring days
jennkr: around Blackstock Vineyard
jennkr: outside barrel man
jennkr: yes please
jennkr: the ladies of Blackstock
jennkr: part 1, Carmen bday celebration
jennkr: laughy
jennkr: What Carmen would look like as a muppet
jennkr: Carmen surveying her future vineyard-land
jennkr: breaking for food
jennkr: suspicious Carmen
jennkr: the beach is that way
jennkr: enjoying the view
jennkr: Ricardo on Ricardo
jennkr: barrels are fun
jennkr: barrels are... this.
jennkr: drink, bartender, drink!
jennkr: uh, some vineyard in Dahlonega...
jennkr: I was trying to catch him singing
jennkr: una fountain
jennkr: probably discussing whether or not I'm a Belgian