jennkr: making pink pancakes
jennkr: I got the monkeys to stand!
jennkr: sometimes you have to grab Noah by the head and stuff him in the ark.
jennkr: all in the ark
jennkr: how she feels about going to the dentist
jennkr: morning beauty routine, completed
jennkr: Sara Beth, almost 4
jennkr: a rainy Sunday afternoon
jennkr: happy butterfly
jennkr: one more butterfly in the kitchen
jennkr: butterfly
jennkr: showing her other side
jennkr: love this face
jennkr: Strawberry Shortcake house.
jennkr: giant cupcake
jennkr: mmhmm
jennkr: sneaking
jennkr: battered by the latest snow
jennkr: thinks she's showing off
jennkr: lip of defiance
jennkr: one more climbing, b&w
jennkr: climbing upwards
jennkr: polish at play
jennkr: more little girl,
jennkr: playground-ing
jennkr: not quite as pole-savvy as she thinks
jennkr: preparing to conquer the pole
jennkr: pole, conquered
jennkr: taking it in
jennkr: i got this.