jennkr: happy Charlotte!
jennkr: Charlotte, color
jennkr: Charlotte in the morning
jennkr: Charlotte and Daddy
jennkr: Charlotte
jennkr: bella and me
jennkr: we're in Santa's house
jennkr: papoose
jennkr: poopy face
jennkr: Annabella
jennkr: Annabella inspects the snow fort
jennkr: Miss Bella
jennkr: ducks!
jennkr: Charlotte in the lunchtime light
jennkr: mmm... cheerios
jennkr: I respect a girl that knows how to eat
jennkr: watching
jennkr: sled enthusiasts
jennkr: Colleen & Charlotte
jennkr: prepping her vehicle
jennkr: the thrill of the sled
jennkr: Billy Idol face
jennkr: lil' Charlotte
jennkr: Annabella decides Charlotte doesn't need hands
jennkr: "help me...!"
jennkr: hey, girl
jennkr: sweetness
jennkr: same, but more contrast
jennkr: just like sleeping beauty
jennkr: a bow type of girl