jennkr: Welcome to New York
jennkr: Brock, the first
jennkr: Kasey's door!
jennkr: hello, neighbor
jennkr: pink and green
jennkr: Joe's Famous
jennkr: what Joe is famous for
jennkr: you were good to me, Faicco's
jennkr: I love you, rice ball
jennkr: barn doors!
jennkr: named for the farmer's daughter, Cornelia
jennkr: below the restaurant
jennkr: primary colors
jennkr: farmhouse!
jennkr: more of the farmhouse
jennkr: inside the farmhouse
jennkr: from the farmhouse to the patio
jennkr: I never knew cauliflower could be so good.
jennkr: I just can't stop taking pics of the farmhouse
jennkr: garden
jennkr: voyeur
jennkr: Aphrodesia
jennkr: fake meat
jennkr: me being a tourist photo
jennkr: Irving
jennkr: I sense a scoundrel afoot...
jennkr: hi, I'm looking at Aaron Burr's house.
jennkr: I liked the sound of this one.
jennkr: Notice how my eyes continue to follow the cookies...
jennkr: Our cookie sample