jennkr: a little pura vida
jennkr: across the hill from our villa
jennkr: First dinner at Villa Mariposa
jennkr: Costa Rica me
jennkr: Chema's tools
jennkr: tree
jennkr: black beach
jennkr: blue
jennkr: lava rock
jennkr: black then green
jennkr: woohoo!
jennkr: splash
jennkr: playing around on the beach below the house
jennkr: Villa Mariposa!
jennkr: hello, little friend
jennkr: oxen?
jennkr: sunset time
jennkr: Costa Rica - a romantic get away
jennkr: late afternoon at Villa Mariposa
jennkr: after day at beach, and before nightfall
jennkr: driving through Guanacaste
jennkr: barring up against the wind
jennkr: literally blown against the fence
jennkr: pretty Costa Rica
jennkr: Inside the rain forest
jennkr: "I like big trees."
jennkr: monkeys!
jennkr: off-roading on some volcanic ridges
jennkr: Volcano in the distance - a good place for a horse ride?
jennkr: yep, lava grows lush